CPCS International is a Child Protection Agency supporting Children at risk and in street situations. It leads the CPCS-Alliance, a global movement of partners and NGO’s serving children and youth in street situations around the world. This alliance aims to realize the recommendations contained in the General comment No. 21 (2017) on children in street situations prepared by the Committee on the Rights of the Child (https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrbodies/crc/pages/crcindex.aspx)
CPCS aims to works for a society where all children are respected, valued and protected. Our mission is to deliver basic services (medical, legal, psychological, educational, etc.), in order to bring immediate improvement to Children/youth in street situations and children at risk. In Nepal, CPCS International and its local partners currently run four regional centers (Sindhuli – CRPC, Dolakha – CPCR, Morang – ORCHID, Kathmandu – CPCS NGO) back supporting forty-one local centers (where BHCA (Better Health Care Access) or CLASS (CPCS Local Action Support and Services) programs are being held.
Daily, up to 10.000 children are being helped with our organization’s activities, 200 to 300 children are supported by our socialization or rehabilitation centers, 1600 ex-street children and children at risk go to school and several hundred receive medical or legal support.
CPCS aims to works for a society where all children are respected, valued and protected. Our mission is to deliver basic services (medical, legal, psychological, educational, etc.), in order to bring immediate improvement to children in street situations and children at risk.
We have three main groups of activities/programs :
- Prevention(prior to and during the street life): a set of interventions focused on: A. Preventing and avoiding the arrival of the child in street. B. Raising awareness among the public, families, and authorities, children themselves about the realities of street life (its causes, dangers, aspects, and consequences).
- Risk Reduction (during life in the street): a short-term perspective focusing on the immediate reduction of street life dangers.
- Social Rehabilitation (afterlife in the street): a mid-term perspective focusing on progressive and eventual reintegration of the child into society. (deinstitutionalization, Family-Based Care, …)
